Features of CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1

CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1 combines Excel’s superior call control and media processing capabilities with VoiceXML dialogs and DTMF grammars, making it easier for developers to offer advanced interactive voice services on a single proven platform.

This platform allows developers to create VoiceXML applications and integrate with multiple TTS servers. Application partners can easily integrate their existing applications or create new ones – without being bound to specific call handling.

Platform Components

CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1 integrates the Vocalocity Voice Browser with the Excel Converged Services Platform (CSP). By using the SwitchKit TEP, SwitchKit application developers reduce their development cycle significantly. an integrated VoiceXML platform with multiple extension points enabled with TTS and ASR capabilities.

The platform includes:

u The Vocalocity Voice Browser – the architectural framework and central communications point developed by Vocalocity. The Vocalocity Voice Browser:

n Allows you to customize and quickly adapt solutions to meet diverse market requirements

n Provides support for VoiceXML 2.0 and 2.1 specifications, and the related standards, SSML and SRGS

u Integration to CSP 2090 via:

n SwitchKit Low-Level Communicator (LLC). All messages pass through the LLC.

n A SwitchKit telephony extension point (TEP) that connects the VocalOS server (middleware) to the CSP 2090, via a SwitchKit call processing application (also referred to as a CP App).

For more information about how these components interact, see the CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1 Implementation Guide.

u Integration to SpeechWorks Speechify and ScanSoft RealSpeak for TTS capabilities

Logical Architecture

The following illustration shows the building blocks of CSP VoiceXML Release 1.1.

The Vocalocity Voice Browser (bounded by a light blue box) includes the components explained on Logical Architecture, plus two extension points that integrate the Vocalocity Voice Browser with the CSP 2090 switch and the RealSpeak TTS engine.

All communication with the CSP passes through the LLC. You must build a CP App to handle call processing functions; for media processing, the SwitchKit TEP talks directly to the LLC.